Saturday, January 29, 2011


pretty dusty blue, silvery earrings, gray tulle skirt, saddle shoes

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

BUM Routine

I found this idea on Zeitgeist.
I wanted to adopt this goal, because my mornings involve:

1.hitting a snooze button 15 or more time.
2. getting up in a bad mood.
3. rushing around, multi-tasking to get ready for work/church/whatever
4. leaving (sometimes late), feeling a combination of 5. irritation and dread

I want to work on this, because I can imagine it would affect my whole day to have a Beautiful, Uplifting Morning Routine (BUM routine).

I’ll tweak it, of course, but here’s a grab bag of what I wish my mornings were like:

1. read my Bible
2. 20 min exercise (DVD 30 day shred or exercises or a walk)
3. taking care of myself (e.g skin: lotion/moisturizer, sunscreen, makeup AND teeth: whitestrips, brushing, flossing, ETC)
4. 15 minutes of cleaning something/organizing something
5. Something to communicate with kids/family/friends (notes, facebook)
6. Food: Either pack a lunch, or plan for that day’s meals (crockpot if a work day) or make breakfast for us (telework day or weekend)
7. outfit: time to really try and look my best when i go out

And here’s why it rarely happens: That seems like a 100 minute routine when I look at it. I leave the house at 5 am!
I’d have to wake up at 3 am!!
So, I’ll need to think about this, maybe have different stuff depending on the day.

But at any rate, I love this idea and want to get into a beautiful, uplifting morning routine.


How to achieve it?

These are the thoughts swirling right now:

I just read something about not letting others control what you do. I know I do this.
I know God knows how to 'number my days aright' and can teach me.
There are only 24 hours in a day. I could never fit all the things I'm supposed to do (8 hours of sleep, 30 minutes of this, 1 hour of that, my freakin 12 hour work days, obligations, bills, etc. plus  -- "have fun! don't forget to do something for yourself!" hahaha)
What is going to matter in 5 years? 10? forever?
Yes, true, but we have no clean towels or underwear. Laundry is a must.
I wish I had lotsa money and I'd hire crap done. All the time.

So I will go pray. And make a list for the day.
Which will include leaving my house at 1:15 and spending probably 6 hours with my mom. Which will not be enough for her, and she will say little comments the whole time and then give me something so that I feel bad. And will leave no time for the gym, which is not OK with my body. And my floor is actually grimy. And so I will stay up super late, which everyone says makes you fat.

I'm sorry this is so depressing. I'll get happier tomorrow, when my Steelers beat those perverse Jets.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How to draw faces on the eggs in the fridge

"I drew faces on the eggs to surprise my daughter"

How I did it:

  1. Stole the idea from a 43T user.

  2. Bought colored sharpies.

  3. Got some cool ideas from fellow 43T users (see some of my comments!).

  4. Waited until she was busy one night.

  5. Secretly did it.

  6. Put them in the fridge.

  7. Waited.

  8. Waited.

  9. Hinted that she oughta make eggs.

  10. Got a text one day while at work and they were on a 2 hour delay that she loved them!

Mission accomplished.

Lessons & tips:

  • The links that the 43T person gave me were helpful!

  • I like colors!

  • Go ahead and give them hair!

  • Buy white and brown eggs for variety/diversity

Resources: Sharpies

It took me 1 month.

It made me have fun

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is super embarrassing,

but I’m even going to post pictures.

I always have a mountain of laundry. I have the following -excuses- reasons:

1. We are a “one use, in the laundry” family when it comes to towels.
2. When we try on clothes and don’t like them, we tend to throw them on the floor. Later, we assume they’re dirty.
3. And it’s a good thing because we have a pug who isn’t neutered who likes to ‘mark’ things that don’t smell like him.
4. my son is a raging extrovert who invites friends to spend the night at least 1 night of every weekend…usually 2. so every weekend
i have tons of additional blankets/sheets/pillows.
5. i like washing, and drying. i don’t mind folding. i hate putting away.
6. i also like doing other things than housework.
7. okay, okay, i suck at housework.

there. so this is my goal, because i think it’s actually achievable and i so want to move another thing into my ‘done’ list.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Egg people in place!!

haha it will be fun when she goes to make her scrambled eggs.

one nagging paranoia: i hope sharpies don’t permeate the shell and the albumen thing and poison her!! oh well, we’ll get a good laugh, won’t we? just kidding. i really, really would hate to poison her.
I’ll google it.

At any rate, attaching a pic of the egg people.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jan 15 -- Ravens / Steelers game: Pick a winner and predict the score.

This may be the most controversial thread ever, and no entries after 4 PM EST.

PS This is American football, which most of you may not care about at all, so I’ll attach a picture that will help you understand that you should love the Steelers. That man dominating that silly quarterback is Troy Polamalu, and he is a Samoan wonder.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


How to support someone on KIVA

"On, I invested in the stationery business of a Ecuadorian woman named Agustina."

How I did it: 1. Go to, set up an account.
2.  Browse profiles of entrepreneurs.
3. Choose one. Decide on an amount you'd like to lend.
4.  Using Paypal or a credit card, complete the transaction.

Over the period of the loan, my credit card will be credited back, and I can reinvest the money.

Lessons & tips: I personally chose a person to whom I can relate. As much as I could intuit from her description and picture, I really liked her spirit. I also liked the business itself, and the pride with which she seems to conduct it. 

Resources: Internet.
Credit Card.

It took me 1 month.

It made me useful